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Thai One Health Network : One Health & Avian Flu Meeting

Southeast Asia One Health University Network (SEAOHUN) was invited to participate at the "Thai One Health Network : One Health & Avian Flu Meeting on the 11-12 March 2021 at Chonburi, Thailand. This meeting was conducted and facilitated by Thai One Health Network or Thai Coordinating Unit for One Health (Thai-CUOH) and Office of International Cooperation (FLU-DAI project), Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health Thailand. With the collaboration of One Health networks such as the Department of Livestock Development, Ministry of Agriculture, Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Local government organization, SEAOHUN Foundation, United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and various universities in Thailand.

The Thai One Health Meeting has begun with the panel discussion under the topic: “Whole of Government and Whole of Society” to enhance a better understanding of the One Health concept and to develops national programs for disease prevention and control such as Avian Influenza, Rabies, and Melioidosis, moreover the discussion aimed to strengthen Thai One Health network.

Following with the “Poster Presentation” competition, 12 Posters were presented and divided to 3 main topics; Avian Flu, Rabies and Melioidosis. The researcher or poster's presenter presented their research ideas, key findings to one another through this session. Among participants were exchanged, shared technical knowledge and got the ideas back to groups discussion to shared on how we could applied research results to different areas (Avian Flu, Rabies and Melioidosis).

Furthermore, the meeting has opened an opportunity to all the participants to shared and reflect their thoughts through “Creativity Presentation” which encouraged all the participants to presented what they have learned, what might be a best practice that they could take to improve their technical competency and to develop One Health skills in their work area.

SEAOHUN also got a chance to meet with lead persons who have been working to promote One Health concepts at the national level in Thailand and to keep a good relationship and partnership between Thailand One Heath networks, and other relevant partners.

- Personal protective equipment, distancing, and group size standards in this photo were consistent with local public health guidance and COVID-19 status in the specific country and time it was taken. This may not reflect best practices for all locations where COVID-19 is still spreading. -


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