Expert Review of One Health Curriculum at CAMBOHUN Member Universities Shows Impact of One Health Concepts
The One Health Workforce – Next Generation (OHW-NG) project aims to improve One Health capacity by aligning existing curricula, content, learning objectives, teaching methodology, and evaluation strategies with the required One Health competencies in Cambodia. To achieve this, CAMBOHUN has implemented an assessment with funding from USAID and the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), which reviewed the curriculum of member universities to identify the gaps in One Health competencies and improve the delivery model with support from SEAOHUN. The assessment was conducted in Phnom Penh with the assistance of regional and international experts. One Health faculty members and leaders from four higher academic institutions (the Royal University of Agriculture (RUA), University of Health Sciences (UHS), Prek Leap National College of Agriculture (PNCA), and National Institute of Public Health (NIPH)) were involved in the assessment process. The recommendations are to create multi-sectoral teams to develop alternative teaching materials with mentorship from regional or international experts and support staff members’ attendance at regional or international workshops to address areas of need.
In March 2023, CAMBOHUN, with the support of regional experts, visited CAMBOHUN’s five member universities to review the curricula and teaching practices. The universities included the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Faculty of Animal Science at RUA; the Royal University of Phnom Penh Departments of Environmental Science, Community Development, and Natural Resource Management and Development; Prek Leap National Institute of Agriculture’s Department Animal Production and Animal Health and Department of Veterinary Medicine; Kampong Cham National Institute of Agriculture’s Department of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, and UHS’ Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health Unit, and Academic Affairs. Three out of five universities, RUA, NIA, and UHS, have already incorporated One Health into their curriculum. It is encouraging to see that even though some institutions have not yet incorporated One Health into their curriculum, students are still aware of the One Health concept from lecturers and peers who have participated in CAMBOHUN activities. The impact of CAMBOHUN has been significant in spreading the One Health concept among lecturers and students at member universities. Moving forward, CAMBOHUN aims to continue supporting its members in strengthening One Health capacities through teaching methodology and evaluation strategies, ensuring the next generation are well-equipped to address complex health challenges.
"As members of the faculties of science and development studies, One Health is extremely important to us. We decided to become a member of CAMBOHUN in 2022 because we thought it was crucial and pertinent, and that it would help the team of experts learn from our institution and talk about how to include the OH concept in our course curriculum. In the future, we look forward to assisting and participating in SEAOHUN and CAMBOHUN's activities." - Dr. Seak Sophat, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Development Studies
"We would like to express our deep gratitude to the experts at SEAOHUN and CAMBOHUN. The project is very important to our department in developing curriculum that incorporates One Health concepts for the students. It is vital for students to build capacity in One Health and strengthen their knowledge so they can better assist the public."- Ms. Kith Sokngim, Head of the Department of Animal Sciences and Veterinary Medicine

Building a skillful, competent One Health workforce in Cambodia
Combating outbreaks such as SARS, H5N1, H1N1, Ebola, Zika, or other diseases moving between animals and humans requires a skillful and competent One Health workforce with technical and cross-sectoral competencies. With the support of the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Southeast Asia One Health University Network (SEAOHUN) in collaboration with the One Health Workforce project has begun to raise awareness of One Health by approaching, identifying and addressing some of the capacity gaps of faculty members, national trainers, and in-service and pre-service professionals in Cambodia.
“My communication, collaborative and teamwork skills have been improved after
participating in the One Health training.
This skill set is very important in
multidisciplinary efforts such as Participatory Epidemiology to solve health issues.”
Mr. Seang Sok Heng, Faculty Member, University of Health Sciences

The Cambodia One Health Workforce Planning workshop to identify and prioritize One Health workforce development needs in Cambodia on 26-28 March 2019
In two years, SEAOHUN and its partners provided a series of One Health training to strengthen technical and cross-sectoral competencies benefiting 114 faculty members and national trainers, 112 in-service health professionals, and 459 pre-service health professionals. Consequently, four faculty members were certified as Master Trainers on Participatory Epidemiology by the Participatory Epidemiology Network for Animal and Public Health.
“One Health activities help me connect and work together with other students from other fields and schools
and also teach me to think broadly. My communication skill is gradually improving.”
Miss Moun Sreypich, Public Health student, University of Health Sciences

Celebrating One Health Day at PNCA on 26 October 2018
Key government and university partners participating in the capacity building include: Cambodia Communicable Disease Control Department and its Applied Epidemiology Training (AET) program, General Directorate of Animal Health and Production and its Cambodia Applied Veterinary Epidemiology Training (CAVET) program, Prekleap National College of Agriculture (PNCA), University of Health Sciences (UHS), Royal University of Agriculture (RUA), and the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH). Through advocacy, SEAOHUN successfully fostered the establishment of Cambodia One Health University Network (CAMBOHUN) with PNCA, UHS, and RUA committing to work together to build the next generation of One Health workforce in Cambodia. Additionally, NIPH prepared an elective course titled 'Introduction to One Health' for its new Master of Health and Community Development. A group telegram was set up for AET and CAVET participants to better communicate and collaborate between human health and animal health sectors. Furthermore, collaboration among universities and between universities and government agencies has improved with joint training.
SEAOHUN had also supported 24 faculty members and national trainers and 7 pre-service health professionals to gain more experience on One Health while abroad. Moreover, SEAOHUN supported 3 faculty members for long-term professional development through its scholarship and fellowship program as well as organizing a series of events to raise awareness of One Health approach to the four partnered institutions and to celebrate global campaigns called One Health Day and World Rabies Day. These awareness raising events enhanced One Health knowledge and practical skills of 514 pre-service health professionals and 56 faculty members and national trainers.
“Increasing meat consumption in Cambodia enables high frequency of animal, human, and environment interactions. This could consequently lead to complex health problems mainly zoonotic and some infectious diseases. Solving these problems requires an inter-disciplinary approach. CAMBOHUN is established to prepare a future-ready workforce capable of working across different disciplines to address these complex health challenges.”
Dr. Thun Vathana, Chairperson of CAMBOHUN

The development work of One Health workforce has just begun in Cambodia. SEAOHUN in collaboration with CAMBOHUN hope to mobilize resources to continue to create a skillful and competent One Health workforce in Cambodia.
CAMBOHUN University Members
Kampong Cham National Institute of Agriculture (KNIA)
Prek Leap National Institute of Agriculture (NIA)*
Royal University of Agriculture (RUA)*
Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP)
University of Health Sciences (UHS-Cambodia)*
* Founding Universities and Faculties