2020 marks the sixth year of the World Antimicrobial Awareness Week! #WAAW2020
Updated: Feb 11, 2021
2020 marks the sixth year of the awareness week and for the first time the week will be called World Antimicrobial Awareness Week, marking a shift to move away from solely antibiotics to a broader group of antimicrobials including antifungals and antiparasitic products.
The Asia-Pacific Regional Tripartite (FAO-OIE-WHO), together with UNEP, is planning a number of events to mark WAAW to demonstrate they are united to fight antimicrobial resistance. The virtual meeting will be organized on 24 of November at 2.00 pm Bangkok time to celebrate the successful conclusion of a week of events on AMR in the Asia-Pacific Region.
The aim of the proposed webinar is to showcase activities that have been undertaken in the Region by highlighting the role of One Health in supporting Member States.
Register here https://fao.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_MsYTBN8mQl2HN2tZ0dURnA for joining webinar!
and you may find the webinar information published in OIE Regional Website through the following link.