Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs for Veterinarians in Indonesia
Workshop on Development of Guidance Materials for Veterinary Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs to Strengthen One Health Coordination and Control Strategies for AMR in Indonesia

The SEAOHUN Small Grants Program supported a study, supervized by the Indonesia One Health University Network (INDOHUN), that aimed to provide technical assistance to veterinary practices consistent with the Government of Indonesia’s strategy for preventing and controlling antimicrobial resistance. The project objectives were to develop guidance materials for antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) programs in veterinary practice, and to also conduct a workshop on AMS for veterinary practices. This project was led by Dr. Teuku Reza Ferasyi in Indonesia, with the Center for Tropical Veterinary Studies-One Health and in collaboration with the Center Universitas Syiah Kuala (CENTROVETS-OHCC USK), Banda Aceh.
Inappropriate and excessive use of antimicrobials (substances that act against microorganisms), particularly in animal industries, is a major public health challenge since antimicrobial use in animals may affect human health. The World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) and the World Health Organization (WHO) both recommend a strategy of antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) which is the careful monitoring and optimization of the use of antimicrobials. The One Health approach is needed to empower veterinarians working in the area with the resources and information needed to facilitate sound decisions pertaining to antimicrobial usage, and skills to communicate and coordinate with relevant stakeholders covered by Indonesia’s AMS strategy.
The role of the veterinarians using antibiotics can ultimately have a huge negative impact on people’s health if it is not done carefully, hence the need for a guide of good practices. The guidelines included recommendation for implementing AMS in three different sectors of veterinary services, namely livestock sector, veterinary practice for pet animals, and fishery or aquatic sector. Thus, it is expected to increase knowledge and skills on antimicrobial usage among veterinarians and related animal health workers, as well as strengthen the communication and the coordination among relevant stakeholders in Indonesia.
In addition, the project team designed a website for the Indonesian Veterinary Antimicrobial Stewardship for One Health Initiative (IVAMSOHI), found at: This website aims to develop awareness and preparedness among veterinarians in Indonesia on AMS, to spread reliable information on antimicrobial resistance, and to promote the One Health approach with the implementation of the AMS.

Finally, the team conducted on 5th September 2021 a virtual workshop for dissemination of the AMS guidance and IVAMSOHI website. The welcome speeches for workshop were given by the President of Indonesian Veterinary Medical Association (IVMA), Dr. Drh. Muhammad Munawaroh, M.M., and the Coordinator of INDOHUN represented by Prof. dr. Agus Suwandono, MPH, Dr.PH. The invited speakers were: Drh. Syamsul Ma’arif, M.Si., Director of Veterinary Public Health of the Directorate General of Livestock and Animal Health, Ministry of Agriculture; Drh. Maidaswar, M.Si., Head of National Veterinary Drug Assay Laboratory, Ministry of Agriculture; Drh. Christina Retna Handayani, M.Si,, Coordinator of Pest and Fish Diseases, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries; Drh. Irawati Fari, Chair of the Indonesian Association of Veterinary Drugs; and Drh. Teuku Reza Ferasyi, MSc., PhD., Director of CENTROVETS-OHCC USK. More than 300 people from all over Indonesia, mostly veterinarians, participated in the dissemination workshop which also generated several suggestions from speakers and participants for further improvement of the design and content of the guidance.
The Guidelines book of Veterinary Antimicrobial Stewardship can be found online for further reading and implementation here: and the video recording of the Virtual Workshop found here: .
SEAOHUN 2020 Small Grants
Project team leader: Dr. drh. Teuku Reza Ferasyi, M.Sc., PhD. (Universitias Syiah Kuala)
Team members: Dr. drh. Muhammad Munawaroh, (Indonesian Veterinary Medical Association)
Dr. drh. Maria Fatima Palupi, M.Si., (Ministry of Agriculture)
Dr. drh. Dyah Setyowati (Ministry of Marine and Fisheries)
Prof. dr. Agus Suwandono (INDOHUN)
- Personal protective equipment, distancing, and group size standards in this photo were consistent with local public health guidance and COVID-19 status in the specific country and time it was taken. This may not reflect best practices for all locations where COVID-19 is still spreading. -