LAOHUN joined the One Health (OH) Landscape Meeting at Crowne Plaza Hotel in Vientiane

On May 24th2023, Prof Mayfong Mayxay, the Chairman of LAOHUN and its Project Officer joined the One Health (OH) Landscape Meeting at Crowne Plaza Hotel in Vientiane which was organized by the Department of Communicable Disease Control of Ministry of Health with the supports from USCDC and DTRA. The topics presented in the meeting include the landscape of OH, networking of OH in Laos, surveillance and investigation of human and animal diseases focusing on avian influenza and ILI-SARI in the country.
Co-presided the meeting, Prof Mayfong encouraged the meeting to discuss about how we can revisit the Lao National Taskforce for OH establishment, development of the national strategy on OH, and identification of the relevant stakeholders from different sectors to work in the Taskforce particularly the inclusion of the environment sector is very crucial. “We need to have collaboration from multi-sectors to work together and we need to apply a transdisciplinary approach in order to achieve the optimal goal of OH activities in the country with active participation of all sectors including the grass-root communities” said Prof Mayfong in the meeting. The meeting has agreed that a National Committee on OH needs to be established with a development of the national strategy on OH together with prioritizing OH related infections.