Announcing the ISID-Pfizer 2021 Grant Challenge
The International Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID), in partnership with Pfizer Global Medical Grants, is proud to announce the “ISID-Pfizer 2021 Grant Challenge.” This year, the challenge is soliciting proposals for projects that identify and address antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in the outpatient setting across low-income countries or under-resourced settings in middle-income countries. A total of $1 million USD is available in funding, and programs can apply for a maximum of $100,000 USD to cover program expenses over three years.

The request for proposals specifies the requirements for eligible programs. All programs must be from a low-income country or an under-resourced setting in a middle-income country with an existing antimicrobial stewardship program or center. Programs should include a needs assessment clearly defining the scope of the problem and how an antimicrobial stewardship program will be applied to the outpatient setting.
Find more details about the grant: here
The request for proposals is now open, and all letters of intent are due by June 18, 2021. ISID and Pfizer use an expert review panel to determine which entries will advance to the full proposal stage of the grant challenge. Initial decisions are expected in July 2021. Should you have any questions, please email for assistance.