Bridging, Building, Bonding through SEAOHUN Student Summit
Updated: Sep 29, 2022

SEAOHUN 2022 Student Summit brought 41 students and their faculty advisors together from 8 countries (Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam) to learn and practice One Health concept and approach through fun activities and visits to farms. Despite different languages and cultures, the students bonded in no time while working together and sharing their perspectives and experience.

“My experience at the SEAOHUN Student Summit was nothing but inspiring and enriching to my One Health experiences. It was an eye-opening program which gave me the opportunity to see One Health in action. I made friends with a lot of like-minded students who want to learn together in an affirmative way and become the future One Health leaders.” - Ms. Suwaibatul Annisa, Student, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia

The three-day event (3-5 September 2022) was hosted by Kasetsart University, Kamphaeng Saen campus, in collaboration with Thailand One Health University Network (THOHUN), with the support from Chevron through the Strengthening One Health Education in Southeast Asia project implemented by SEAOHUN.

“The Student Summit is an investment for our future. Equipping young leaders with necessary knowledge and skills while providing opportunities for collaboration ensures the sustainability of One Health, not only for a region, but for the world as a whole.” – Assistant Prof. Dexter Andrew Manalo, Faculty Advisor, Pampanga State Agricultural University, Philippines
