Dr. Neil Tanquilut, Vice Chair and Coordinator of PhilOHUN, Pampanga State Agricultural University

Dr. Neil C.Tanquilut completed his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, MS (Veterinary Medicine) and PhD by Research from the University of the Philippines Los Banos. He specialized in Environmental Science for his doctoral program. He assessed the status of biosecurity in poultry farms in Central Luzon. Implementation of strict biosecurity measures in farms is crucial to prevent the occurrence of diseases especially those that affect humans. He is presently enjoying research grants from the Department of Agriculture and Department of Science and Technology. He is also involved in herbal medicine and natural product development.
He is currently the Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine of the Pampanga State Agricultural University. His research profile can be viewed at https://scholar.google.com.ph/citations?user=D3wjKnAAAAAJ&hl=en