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Partnership with Chevron to Support SEAOHUN Scholarship

Writer's picture: SEAOHUN SEAOHUN
“I would like to express my deepest gratitude towards the Chevron for your full financial support through SEAOHUN Scholarship Program. With your support, I could focus on the study without worrying about the financial needs and was able to graduate with excellent academic results. During the course, I had an opportunity to learn in international contexts relating to public health, research skills and One Health aspect to look at the health issues. When I get back to my country, I would like to help people affected by the political situations to ensure that the minimum standard of health care and highest possible quality care are achieved by the people, especially the women and the children. Additionally, I also want to contribute in enhancing the research culture in both public and clinical services in order to improve the healthcare system of our country. I firmly belive that I would be able to translate my theoretical One Health knowledge and practical research experience to contribute in addressing disease outbreaks and other public health issues in Myanmar.” Ms. Swai Mon Oo, SEAOHUN 2021 Scholarship recipient supported by Chevron

Since 2021, SEAOHUN has been in partnership with Chevron for Strengthening One Health Education in Southeast Asia project where we aim to strengthen the knowledge and practice of One Health to prepare and response infectious disease outbreaks. As part of the project, Chevron provided financial support to Ms. Swai Mon Oo, a medical doctor from Myanmar and one of the SEAOHUN 2021 scholarship recipients to pursue an International Master Degree of Public Health at the School of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Hanoi Medical University in the academic year 2021/2022.

Before her Master’s study, Ms. Swai Mon Oo worked with NGOs in Myanmar and gained practical experiences in implementing health care programs. However, realizing that she still needed to expand her public health theoretical knowledge, especially in One Health, to tackle the infectious disease outbreaks and research capacity through academic learning, she decided to join the international Master’s study by applying for a scholarship from SEAOHUN. After becoming a successful candidate with the full financial support from Chevron, she was able to take a big step to get closer to her goal of becoming a public health researcher without worrying about the financial burden.

During her one-year post-graduate study journey, she gained advance knowledge in public health and strengthened her research capacity to address health issues from a One Health perspective. Learning as an international student also enabled her to widen the network for future career paths in the global public health community. In October 2022, Ms. Swai Mon Oo successfully graduated and achieved her Master’s Degree with outstanding academic results. After graduation, she wants to become part of a much-needed work force in rebuilding the health system breakdown caused by her country’s political situation, and ensure minimum quality of care for vulnerable groups of women and children. She also commits to contribute to strengthening the country’s research capacity by applying her polished research skills achieved from her studies. Ms. Swai Mon Oo expressed sincere gratitude to Chevron for supporting her academic milestone through an appreciation letter.


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