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SEAOHUN Promoted One Health Education at the 20th ICTMM

Writer's picture: SEAOHUN SEAOHUN

Last week, SEAOHUN promoted One Health Education at all levels at the 20th International Congress for Tropical Medicine and Malaria (ICTMM), 24-28 October 2022 in Bangkok, Thailand. The ICTMM brings together thousands of scientists, experts and professionals from across the world every four years. The Congress provides the opportunity for sharing research and experience in the field of tropical medicine and malaria through the Congress keynotes, plenary sessions, topic keynotes, symposia, oral and poster presentations, social programs and exhibitions.

At this year’s event, SEAOHUN with the support of Chevron partnered with Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Tropical Medicine and Public Health Network (SEAMEO TROPMED), SEAMEO Regional Centre for STEM Education (STEM-ED), and Tropical Diseases Research Center (TDRC) of Khon Kaen University to present a One Health Education project at a parallel session entitled “Stopping future Pandemics through the strengthening of One Health Citizens.”

Dr. Sandra Tempongko, SEAMEO TROPMED Network, presented One Health training modules for school children from kindergarten till Grade 9 to raise One Health awareness among students, school officials, and teachers. These training modules will help children understand the interconnection between the health of humans, animals, and their ecosystems.

Dr. Vipat Kuruchittham, SEAOHUN Secretariat, introduced SEAOHUN and emphasized the importance of workforce development to build a sustainable and effective health security system to respond to infectious disease threats. He highlighted the student engagement program in fostering youths to become One Health leaders by equipping them with the right skillset and mindset.

Dr. Sirikachorn Tangkawattana, TDRC, presented their development of online training modules on integrative disease controls using the One Health approach with active community engagement to solve communities’ health issues using the Lawa model as an example. After the training, selected participants will have an opportunity to visit the Lawa model and experience One Health in action.


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