We are looking for IT consultant

SEAOHUN and its country networks would like to capitalize on the opportunity to facilitate South- South exchanges and promote lifelong learning through online teaching and learning platform named the One Health Workforce Academies (OHWA)¹ developed by the OHW-NG consortium led by University of
California, Davis. The OHWA platform’s mission is to promote the development, delivery, institutionalization, accreditation, and employer-recognition of training and educational activities that are in alignment with One Health core competencies and technical skills. It is envisaged that the OHWA platform will host international high-quality courses and resources leading to achieving One Health certification by International Board of One Health Examiners. The platform is powered by WordPress, a content management system, with LearnDash, a WordPress plugin for learning management system.
In order to make the OHWA platform more accessible for users from Southeast Asia, consultation with the OHW-NG team, SEAOHUN country networks, and past and current users of the OHWA will be conducted by SEAOHUN and its IT Consultant to gather their recommendations and experiences before cloning the OHWA for Southeast Asia (SEA-OWHA). The SEA-OHWA will host regional- and country-level courses and contents. Interested people, students, and University faculty members can freely access the SEA-OHWA platform.
SEAOHUN will commission a short-term consultancy with an IT firm or consultant to provide intermittent service from April 2023 to September 2023 to develop the SEA-OHWA platform to
Enable SEAOHUN member Universities to curate, update and implement the One Healthtraining online in local languages and English,
Be a repository of One Health resources funded by USAID One Health Workforce (OHW) and One Health Workforce – Next Generation (OHW-NG) projects,
Provide linkages to resources at the global One Health Workforce Academies (OHWA) and AFROHUN OHWA, and
List job opportunities for One Health practitioners.
After the SEA-OHWA development is complete, the IT firm/consultant will provide training to staff of SEAOHUN Secretariat on managing all functions of the platform, including uploading, retrieving, storing, and cataloguing One Health educational contents from faculty members of SEAOHUN member Universities.
Review the OHWA, existing e-learning modules from country networks, and proposechanges to make it suitable and adaptable to Southeast Asia.
Co-design the SEA-OHWA platform with the SEAOHUN Secretariat team led by SeniorKnowledge Management Officer.
Clone the OHWA platform using WordPress and LearnDash and tailor the platform to Southeast Asia (SEA-OHWA) with a similar look and feel.
Make the SEA-OHWA platform to allow each country network to manage their contents and materials independently with its own administrative account.
Upload the Lawa model2 online course onto the SEA-OHWA platform as an example.
Gather feedback from potential users on the developed SEA-OHWA platform and incorporate the feedback to improve the platform.
Prepare a training package (user manual, PowerPoint slides, etc.) and train SEAOHUN staff on managing all functions of the platform, including uploading, retrieving, storing, and cataloguing One Health educational contents.
Support users of the SEA-OHWA platform to troubleshoot any IT related issues.
1. SEA-OHWA platform using WordPress and LearnDash with a similar look and feel to the OHWA platform and with functionalities per users’ requirements.
2. The Lawa model online course uploaded onto the SEA-OHWA platform.
3. One training session for SEAOHUN staff on managing all functions of the platform, including
uploading, retrieving, storing, and cataloguing One Health educational contents.
4. Training package including user manual explaining all functions of the platform, training tools
and materials.
Interested firms or individuals are invited to send the following documents to secretariat+recruitment@seaohun.org and copy to thurakyaw@seaohun.org using the subject line “Apply
for IT Consultant”
Cover letter a. stating your experience and suitability for the job b. listing approaches and steps, including expected number of days for each step, to produce the deliverables c. Daily rate in USD and a total estimated costs
Resume or Curriculum Vitae detailing experience from similar projects
Example(s) of e-learning platform developed
Applicants will be evaluated against their experience (20%), technical approaches (50%), and total cost (30%). Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until filled with the first round of reviews on 29 March 2023. The candidates are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. Should there be any inquiries about the TOR, please contact to Mr. Thura Kyaw, Senior Knowledge Management Officer, at thurakyaw@seaohun.org.
SEAOHUN is an equal opportunity employer, and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, language, religion, ethnicity, disability, age, sexual orientation and gender identity. SEAOHUN prohibits the use of forced labor and trafficking in persons, and does not charge any fees from applicants. While we respect all applications, only the shortlisted candidates will be contacted.